CCoonnttaaiinneerr //
PPaacckkaaggiinngg RReeccyycclliinngg
[[EECCOO PPllaazzaa AAoommoorrii
PPllaassttiicc RReeccyycclliinngg PPllaanntt]] Container /
Packaging Recycling
[ECO Plaza Aomori
Plastic Recycling Plant]
Packaging Recycling
[ECO Plaza Aomori
Plastic Recycling Plant]
We're changing society through plastic.
Container / Packaging Recycling
Plastic reflects the times.
We reduce materials, such as PET bottles and container packaging, which diversify according to our society and lifestyles, to their most valuable state.
We reduce materials, such as PET bottles and container packaging, which diversify according to our society and lifestyles, to their most valuable state.

Recycled plastics are now a material that is attracting global attention.
Its potential value will surely shape the society and economy of the future.
Container /
Packaging Recycling
[ECO Plaza Aomori
Plastic Recycling Plant]

We recycle plastics from all over Tohoku.
By properly recycling a wide variety of materials, we maximize their value.
Container /
Packaging Recycling
[ECO Plaza Aomori
Plastic Recycling Plant]

We are one step ahead of the times, fulfilling the world's demand for quality and quantity.
Also making it possible to go from recycling to productization.
That is the material recycling that SEINAN is proud of.
Container /
Packaging Recycling
[ECO Plaza Aomori
Plastic Recycling Plant]