VVaarriioouuss RReeccyycclliinngg Various Recycling
Continuously taking on the challenge of ever changing waste.
Various Recycling
For 50 years, we have been confronting various types of waste from all over the Tohoku region.
The experience we have gained from this makes it possible for us to deal with all kinds of waste.
The experience we have gained from this makes it possible for us to deal with all kinds of waste.

As the region changes, so does the waste.
Developing technology according to local needs such as material and usage.
Striving for optimal recycling to accommodate all types of waste.
Various Recycling

From classical to cutting-edge.
Paper, glass bottles. PCs, electronic devices. Creating value with recycling technology tailored to the changing times for a wide variety of materials.
Various Recycling

“ Recycle More” .
A new system to promote recycling together with the community.
Through collaboration between professionals and local residents, we aim to create a life where recycling is the norm.
Various Recycling